
The Colored Girls Museum is a memoir museum.  It is located within a historic neighborhood in Philadelphia.  It’s mission is to honor the stories, experiences, and history of ordinary Colored Girls by exclusively collecting, preserving, honoring, and decoding artifacts pertaining to the experience and herstory of colored girls. It is disguised as a bed and breakfast as visitors are invited to walk through and feel immersive in the space. This space serves as a multidimensional institution about colored girls as it acts as a research facility, exhibition space, gathering place, and think tank for the personal and historical objects included. This will be the perfect space for our exhibition because our values align. We want to place emphasis on the rituals of black womanhood, highlighting their strength and resilience through the many hardships they are forced to endure. Black women are often marginalized, erased from histories, dehumanized, and sexualized from the perspective of western society. Black women need a chance to express themselves from their own point of view. Viewers have to see the experience to get a better understanding of how it is to be a Black woman. This museum is object-based, but including multimedia objects will help aid viewers to visually see how the experience of being a black woman can be manifested into a creative piece of work.