GLAM Center for Collaborative Teaching and Learning - Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library

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All images on this site either are protected by copyright and/or are the property of the Robert W. Woodruff Library of the Atlanta University Center, Inc., the Clark Atlanta University Art Museum, the Spelman College Museum of Fine Art and/or the copyright holder as appropriate. To order a reproduction or to inquire about permission to publish, please contact,, or with specific object file name.

Notice and Takedown Procedure

The Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library (AUC Woodruff Library) is committed to providing access to a broad range of scholarly works and digitized archival collections for educational purposes that support research, teaching and learning.  The Library makes every effort to ensure it has the appropriate rights and permissions to ingest and provide access to content available on this repository, and provides attribution to rights holders when possible.  However, due the nature of archival collections, identifying rights information can sometimes be ambiguous and difficult to determine.

If you have rights related questions or concerns about items in our repository or wish to contest the posting of a specific work that is not covered by fair use, please contact us at  In your notice please include the following information:

  • Name/title of the item or other details that might describe the item.
  • URL where you found the item.
  • An explanation of the concern and description of the potential infringement.
  • Your contact information (including email address and phone number).

In accordance with the AUC Woodruff Library’s “take down” procedures, when the library is notified of a potential breach of copyright or notice of a concern, the complete document or file will be removed from public view as quickly as possible while a review is undertaken.