Exploring Healing for Black Womxn - curated by C. Reeder

Curatorial/Narrative Statement

Surviving 2020 is an Olympic sport, and having the opportunity to use my academic time and space to explore healing for Black womxn has been a healing experience for me. I want to share and participate in the community of love, care, and intention that Black womxn create, and this online exhibition has fulfilled these goals. My exposure to Social Justice Curating in Seminar in Curatorial Practice has prepared me to merge activism with the intellectual to create art and connection. While previously I felt that my intellectual pursuits and creative expressions existed in separate spheres, throughout the semester, I have exercised the muscle that allows me to think creatively about activism and, inversely, weave activism in my creative expression. The ability to learn about Social Justice Curating while working under social justice curator Carmen Hermo at the Brooklyn Museum allowed me to continually engage in the technical applications to the imagining, theorizing, and positing that occurs in the Seminar course. I have increased my knowledge of art significantly and have practiced curating skills that I will use throughout my career. My gallery talk, various forms of research, and engaging conversations on objects, art, and ideas have prepared me to do such in a professional area. 

My work ethic, outlook, and excitement stem from the incredibly interesting curating of Carmen Hermo at the Brooklyn Museum, Joanne Hyppolite at the National Museum of African American History and Culture, Museum Futurist Kimberly Drew, and professor Nicole Fleetwood. These curators practice from a social justice lens and center community, accessibility, equality, and visibility in their work. Nicole Fleetwood's book "Marking Time: Art in the Age of Mass Incarceration," and Kimberly Drew's conversation with NPR on the accessibility of art reveals how curators use their positionality as a space for exploration and source of strength. Fleetwood, Drew, Hyppolite, and Hermo all embody my goal and aspirations to share insightful and intriguing stories in a multitude of manners in accessible spaces.  

From curators to reading, to Dr. Webb-Binder's guided discussions, I have learned a litany of skills and increased my knowledge, exposure, and excitement for curating.