Curatorial Statement
For this exhibit, I chose photos that integrated my interest in Black expressions of style with the era of Jim Crow. The people that Gordan Parks showcases in these photographs are all well-dressed for what seems like a casual day or outings. This coincides with the fact that Black people used dress to humanize themselves in during this era. Dress here was more than just a fashion statement, but also a political tool to have white people see them as equals.
Throughout this semester, I have enjoyed learning how to curate exhibits that are in line with my interests. Our visit with Dr. Fleetwood, really helped me narrow down my interest in showcasing the history and nauances of Black expressions of style when she questioned what we would curate with little to no budget. I believe with continuing this minor, my future as a curator is bright. I hope to curate exhibits that expose people to the political functions of Black style and also the uniqueness of Black culture.