Untitled n.d and Lolly

Untitled n.d Lolly

Drawing these two pieces of artwork must have required a grandiose deal of discipline as well as patience, for they are relatively complicated pieces of work.  Why these two pieces of work are relevant enough to share the same sections are because of their drastic differences and similarities.  “Lolly” by Alfred Conteh at the bottom with an untitled and undated work by Minnie Evans at the top, have quite a bit in common.  Such as their use of a variety of colors from the color wheels, that are vibrant yet muted at the same time, with enough content to finish the entirety of the canvas/page.  Where they differ is in subject matter.  Compared to Conteh, Evans work has familiar objects and faces, albeit hidden and abnormal, with Conteh uses more circular and uncompleted shapes and objects that are more inanimate, to complete his piece.