Correspondence with Dr. James P. Brawley

Correspondence between Ruby Hurley and Dr. James P. Brawley about scheduling a plenary session for the South-wide Religious Leaders Conference.

Ruby Hurley's postion in the Executive Officials within the NAACP.
This letter written by Mrs. Ruby Hurley displays her agency during a time when predominantly men were to appointed leadership roles or positions. As Southeastern Regional Director, Hurley scheduled meetings such as the photo shown for this digital archival exhibit. This specific correspondence written to schedule a plenary session for the South-wide Religious Leaders Conference shows Hurley had her own agency and autonomy because the conference included a purpose statement by the Regional Director which she was at the time. The purpose statement written by Mrs. Ruby Hurley included “Following our telephone conversation we have scheduled you to preside at the meeting Thursday morning April 30 beginning at 10:30 in the educational building at Morehouse College.” Her duty as the Southeastern Regional Director was to coordinate and schedule meetings that helped mobilize the NAACP. We must also note that although this was Hurley’s duty, she exercised her agency within the male dominated organization. Hurley willingly drafted the conference statement and submitted recommendations before the conference with Dr. Proctor of Virginia Union University. This showcases her ability to run the operations of the NAACP smoothly as she utilized her agency as a Black woman surrounded by men.