Interactive Technology

We will employ projections as an interactive tool. Projections allow for the display of videos with minimum teaching. Museums can project videos on blank gallery walls or use projectors to display interactive games. This strategy is thought to be most efficient in interacting with youth. Most younger children learn best through touch. With the use of projectors children are able to continue hands-on learning without the dangers of contamination. Projectors can also easily be transported between galleries with low to no installation costs. 

Our gallery will also include low-cost interactive tools such as disposable chalk and discussion circles. Chalkboards are low cost, disposable tools that will give our museum direct feedback from visitors. Following the gallery tour there will be a discussion space with high ventilation and six-foot place markers. This will allow the guest to reflect and ask questions safely. The chalkboard will prompt visitors to tell us about their experience and what can be improved in the exhibition and the museum. The chalk pieces could be thrown into a bin after single usage to later be sanitized. In order to encourage feedback the museum will provide gifts prior to completion such as masks and hand sanitizer with the museum logo or their favorite artwork in the gallery. 

To conclude, there are many options for museum visitors to safely and efficiently interact with museum resources. When installing our interactive technology we will make sure to follow universal guidelines to incorporate and include our disabled guests.

Interactive Technology