
John Lewis Congressman Portrait

Today, John Lewis is known as a Civil Rights icon and respected politician. While he is both, there is more to his story. John Lewis devoted his whole life to the empowerment of African Americans, spilled his blood for it, and was willing to give his life in its pursuit. His participation in the Civil Rights Movement is the most prominent demonstration of his devotion. His being elected to serve as the representative for Georgia’s fifth congressional district in November 1986, a seat he has held ever since, is a validation of his devotion, a sign that his struggles and sacrifices succeeded in empowering African Americans. That being said, John Lewis’ devotion to African American empowerment was rooted in his childhood and played out in the years before he joined the Civil Rights Movement and the years between his involvement in it and his election to Congress. Further, John Lewis is still battling for African American empowerment today. Chronicling John Lewis’ life, specifically his childhood, college years in Nashville, time in the Civil Rights Movement, term as executive director of the Voter Education Project, and run as congressman, this presentation gives viewers a more thorough understanding of John Lewis, and shows that, as mentioned above, he has devoted his entire life to fighting for the empowerment of African Americans.