Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. at Home with His Family, 1962 (In Front of Swing Set)

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. at Home with His Family, 1962 (In Kitchen)

Grieving Parent at Funeral of Birmingham Bombing Victims

Stokely Carmichael, Washington, D.C.

SNCC Poster on a Front Porch, Ruleville, Mississippi

CORE Demonstrators on Freedom Ride to Route 40, near Washington, D.C.

Lunch Counter Sit-in, Portsmouth, Virginia

Mule Wagon for the Poor People's Campaign, Memphis, Tennessee

March on Washington, D.C.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Baltimore

Memorial to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Central Park, New York City

"Freedom, Respect, and Justice"

Department Store Mobile, Alabama by Gordon Parks