GLAM Center for Collaborative Teaching and Learning - Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library

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Harris, Oscar circa 1991
Sunday December 3, 1950.<br />
The Source of National Safety.<br />
Read Zech 4: 1-10<br />
Text: Zech 4:6-This is the word of the Lord unto Le[?] babel saying “Not by might nor by power, but my spirit, saith the Lord of Hosts.”<br />
This moment[?] I want to speak to us on the source<br />
This is one of the most perilous periods in the history of our great nation. Our Nation at this very moment is facing a greater peril than it had to face when the Declaration of Independence which touched off the revolutionary war. Let us look [?] back at our history<br />
At that time ours was not even a constituted country but 13 small colonies located for the most part on the eastern seaboard seeking freedom of speech and worship with an earnest hope that they could conquer their opposers and initiate[?] Self govern men with the colonies uniting as one nation indivisible with freedom and justice for all.<br />
That was more than 190 years ago. But what has happened since then?<br />
The colonies have cemented themselves into the United States of America. It is no longer a little strip on the Atlantic Coast but it includes

Wilson, Hercules 1950 December 3

circa 1944-1945

Wheeler, John H. circa 1968
Front cover of program with American flag illustration; Text: Army<br />
Navy<br />
Marine<br />
Coast Guard Merchant Marine<br />
Tribute to Negro Servicemen<br />
Renaissance Ballroom Sunday June 27, 1943

Negro Labor Victory Committee 1943 June 27

1966 August

The Atlanta Voice undated
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